


that sell

Everything you need to 

research, write, edit, and optimize

 your blogs for the wedding industry. 

Blogging should not be a mega-stressor in your business.

(Save that sh*t for taxes.)

You’ve probably heard blogging has the second-highest ROI of all the marketing methods.

This is true. But why –  WHY!!! – does no one talk about how much blogging can suck? 😩


I hear you, my friend. I really do. Even for someone who writes for a living, when I first started my own blog I struggled to figure out what to say and how to say it (and don’t even get me started on how to get people to read it!). 


I’ve struggled through the hours of research and late nights wondering where the hell to start. After 3 years writing blogs, I can confidently tell you I’ve cracked the code (and I’ve got the data to back it up.) – and I’m done keeping it to myself. 

I didn’t name this resource “Crafting Blogs That Sell” for nothing.


This isn’t your basic mommy-blogger-advice resource. This is the exact strategy I use to create high-performing blogs for myself and my clients. 


What do I mean by high-performing? Blogs that get lots of eyes, which turn into leads, which turn into inquiries, which turn into cold hard cash in your pocket, baby. 


Even if you’re not an avid writer, and the idea of blogging makes you nervous/terrifified/[insert bad feeling word here], you can use this system to create blogs that make money in just a few hours every month. 


That’s the average increase in lead growth businesses that blog receive. 


And it’s only getting higher. 

I know YOU know you should be blogging. And I’m not about to shame you, babe.

Without the right resources, blogging can suck. I know you’ve already spent hours of your precious time doing things like:


sifting through the same BS “advice” for blogging that is never wedding business-related


trying (and failing) to understand what SEO is and how to use it


staring at a blank screen trying to drum up ANY ideas to write about


writing something and *immediately* hating it


finally, FINALLY posting that blog that took you way too long and…crickets.

94% of the wedding pros I’ve worked with over the last 3 years have experienced one or more of these obstacles. 

(That’s 60 1-on-1 clients and nearly 500 community members, btw.)

This is what I hear from them:

"I know I need to blog, but I…

am not confident in my writing. Like at all.”

do hours of research and end up more confused than I was when I started.”

have 0 idea how to create a blogging strategy that actually works for my business.”

have tried blogging in the past with poor results.”

am tired of reading general blogging advice that doesn't even apply to the wedding industry half the time.”

What if you could skip all that, and instead…


Have a step-by-step plan to follow so you never get stuck thinking “what now?”


Have the words flow effortlessly onto the page


Know exactly what your audience wants to read


Take a topic from research to publish in less than 2 hours


Increase your leads while decreasing the amount of time you spend marketing


Have ½ of your social media calendar filled every month


Understand SEO and track your progress easily


crafting blogs that sell

A proven, step-by-step blogging system takes the guesswork out of your content marketing strategy. 

No more spending hours trying to come up with what to say. I’ve got the tools you need to know exactly what to say – and how to say it, and how to actually get it down on the page, and how to optimize it…the whole shebang.


Let’s take a look at what’s inside


  • Goal Setting
  • Blog marketing strategy
  • Topic research
  • Data mining
  • Search intent
  • Outlining
  • Research
  • Types of blogs


  • Getting your thoughts down on the page
  • Knowing how to say what you wanna say
  • How to write a good hook
  • Keeping your voice in your content
  • Psychology tips to keep readers engaged
  • Analysis of a strong blog
  • Writing headlines that convert
  • Formatting tips & tools
  • Nailing that “next steps” CTA 


  • Why you have to optimize your blogs
  • What is SEO?
  • SEO for the wedding industry
  • Keywords 101
  • Must-know SEO vocabulary
  • Image optimization
  • Local SEO
  • Analyzing your blog health 


Blogging is the #3 most popular marketing strategy for businesses, and for good reason: it’s 62% cheaper than traditional publishing methods.

(Think: paid ads, directories, and listings.)


You know all that time you spend stressing about whether or not your latest post or video will even get enough views to be worth the effort?  Blogging can achieve MAJOR results in a fraction of that time. 

This is the actual, 

step-by-step process for blogging that brings in 45% of my inquiries. 

With this jargon-free, bite-sized blogging process, you’ll learn how to:


Figure out what your audience cares about reading  


Keep readers on the page


Appease the stubborn SEO gods


Turn your readers into paying clients


Repurpose your blogs for social media


Track your blogs’ health to make the most of your time

And so much more – for just $397.

That’s $253 less than I charge for my lowest blog package (2 blogs). And I’m giving you my whole. Damn. Strategy.


Value: $6,240+

No jump scares here– you’re gonna see an upsell at checkout. Add-on a single-blog audit (completed by moi) via Loom video with my thoughts, critiques, and suggestions to strengthen that writer’s mind in you. Snag it for just $59!

(This is usually a $350 investment 🤯 am I crazy?)

In the past 3 years, my blog has made me $30,348.40.

My top 10 highest-performing blogs have brought 678 people to my website since September 2020. 40% of those people moved over to my services page, 15% of those inquired, and BOOM – $30k in my bank account over 31 months. 


Oh, and I didn’t blog in 2022. Like AT ALL (I was a little busy getting married 😊). All of those blogs were from 2020 or 2021. 


Let me repeat that – blogs I wrote 1-3 YEARS ago is still bringing people (and money) into my business. 


They also helped me make over 80% of my social media content without having to start from scratch…but we’ll get into that in the guide. 


“But Emily, you’re not a wedding pro.” 


You’re right – but this process works for my clients too. And they ARE wedding pros (damn cool ones, too).

This bundle of resources is truly priceless. 

(I mean, c’mon. You could literally use this over and over again to create an infinite # of blogs for your business. Imagine if just a few of those were hits!) 

Assuming you wrote just 1 blog per month, here’s how things would shake out:

Research Guide - $780 value

Writing & Editing Guide - $1,560 value

SEO Guide - $3,900 value


The accompanying worksheets, prompts, video tutorials, spreadsheets, and other resources that will help you actually do the damn thing: PRICELESS.

The total value of this bundle?




I'm Emily

“copywriter for the wedding industry” by day, “wife, cat mom, dance teacher, and avid YA fantasy reader” by night.

But that’s not what I’m here to tell you.

My entire business is dedicated to getting you more leads without spending thousands on paid marketing tactics (or fighting with the mythic social media algorithm).

Until now, I’ve only offered 1-on-1 services to my clients. 

And I LOVE serving my clients. But there are also thousands of wedding pros who:

  • Are brand new to business and still trying to get their footing
  • Aren’t ready to commit to a big copywriting project
  • Don’t have the budget to invest in 1:1 services

And I wanna serve those wedding pros too, because not too long ago, I was that brand new business owner with a hella tight budget and no clue how to market my business effectively.

Ya feel me? If you’re in that stage of business, I applaud you! And I’m here to help you achieve the results you’re looking for - without breaking the bank or your sanity.


What are the deets, Em?

Simply go through checkout, put in your CC info, and you’ll have your brand new blog-generating resource in minutes! 

After checkout, you'll be taken to a confirmation page with a link to download your resource folder. You'll also get a confirmation email with the link.

What if I’m pretty confident in one part of my blogging process? Can I buy just one of the guides?

Eventually, these will be available separately on my website. But for the inaugural launch price and those juicy bonuses, do you really wanna wait until then?

Is this actually going to help me get more leads?

I’m a firm believer in “you get what you give.” If you follow the CBTS blogging process, stay consistent, and give it your all, your blogs will perform. If you need more reassurance, check out those client results screenshots I’ve got up above.


When can I expect to see results?

Blogging, just like all marketing, is never concrete, and we’ll never fully crack the code that is The Algorithm, so I can’t give you any set numbers.

In terms of SEO, blogs can begin bringing traffic to your website in an average of 3 months, though I’ve had clients see traffic in as little as 2 weeks.

What I can guarantee is following this blogging process will ensure you have the best chance to see results as big and as quickly as possible. It works for me and it works for my clients! 

How does the $59 audit work?

After you checkout, you’ll receive an email from me detailing how your audit will work, but here’s the gist:

  1. You work through CBTS, schedule a 15-min consult call w/ me, and get to work completing your blog. (Your blog will need to be completed 1 week prior to your consult.)
  2. 24 hours before your consult, you’ll receive my audit via Loom video.
  3. Review the video and prepare your follow-up questions for our call.
  4. We’ll meet, get your questions answered, and you’ll be ready to make your changes and publish!

You can schedule your consult anytime within 6 months of purchasing CBTS. If you’re worried about accountability, your consult will serve as a deadline to give you that kick you need to actually get sh*t done. 

Is there a lot of content to get through? I struggle to finish content, let alone actually apply it.

I feel you, babe, and I’m right there with ya. The first time you go through CBTS, it will take a minute to absorb everything. But this resource is designed to give you exactly what you need (and nothing extra) to churn out high-performing blogs every time. This will give you the exact steps I take *in order* so you’re not skipping around and missing information.

Every section has examples to help you solidify the concept, action steps, and additional resources including video tutorials, spreadsheets, templates, and worksheets. 

Everything you need is in this ONE resource. Once you’ve gotten comfortable with the content, you’ll be able to finish a blog in less than 2 hours. Seriously.


How can I get your profesh eyes on my work? 

Already thinking a few steps ahead - we’re kindred spirits, my friend.

If you’d like your work checked, you can snag a single-blog audit for $59 at checkout (normally $350). If you find you need more 1:1 help, I’m always available for consultations, audits, or done-for-you services. 

Is there a refund policy? 

Nope. If this was a $1000+ course with a million hours of homework, yeah I’d offer a refund. But this guide is meant to get you all the info you need quickly, and with the crazy price discount, I guarantee you’ll get your money’s worth if you put in the time.

What about other copywriting things, like my website and emails? Do you have resources for that? 

If you’re looking for free resources to DIY your copy, check out my resources page.

And if you think you may need a little more help, all of my services are listed on my website. (For example: want a sales page as fun and personality packed as this one? I’ve got ya, babe.)

I don’t currently offer any DIY guides or resources for website copywriting, but if I do offer that in the future, I’ve got your email and know where to find ya! 

Everything you need to research, write, edit, and optimize high-performing blogs people *actually* want to read (and you *actually* don’t HATE creating).


Value: $6,240+

© Emily Dilworth Creative LLC. 2023